Public Land Bezoar Ibex (Persian Ibex) Hunts

New Mexico’s Florida Mountain is the only place in the Western Hemisphere where pure blood, unfenced, free ranging Persian (aka Bezoar) Ibex are hunted. Our staff includes many of the former Kauffman Outfitters personnel. With more than 2,000 man-days of ibex hunting experience, our strategies consider hunter density, hunt type (muzzleloader, rifle, or bow), wind conditions, seasonal vegetation changes, precipitation, cougar sign, and our hunter’s experience level. We can accommodate hunters from youth through old age and those with some physical limits. Note that the youth hunt occurs during the school Christmas break.
Safari Club International (SCI) keeps worldwide trophy statistics for Ibex and their record book shows that the highest scoring Bow or Muzzle Loader kills and the second highest scoring Rifle kill were taken in New Mexico. Within New Mexico we have guided 5 of the top 6 bow kills, 87% of the guided bow kills, 54% of all bow kills (guided or not) and 35% of all the Ibex entries (any weapon) in the book. Only 9% of the entries are attributed to other outfitters that are still in business. That’s why people hunt with Kiowa!
With Kiowa you could kill several Ibex with a bow before drawing a rifle tag. Despite rumors to the contrary, short bow shots are possible for Billy Ibex.
Drawing Details
Applying with the Kiowa Outfitter number, which is available on the Kiowa website, improves your draw odds substantially.
Currently the Ibex population is at a low compared to past years. To address this situation the Department has decreased the number of licenses available, have changed the Muzzleloader hunt from a fifteen-day hunt to a seven-day hunt, and have banned scopes on muzzleloaders.
Drawing a bow Ibex license is much easier than a firearm license. For most bow hunters the January hunt is a better fit into their schedule than one in October, but when compared to the non-resident January bow hunt, the outfitted January bow hunt odds are more than twice as high and the outfitted October bow hunt odds are more than six times as high.
- Cost of hunt includes: Use of our outfitter number on your application, snacks & drinks to carry, all portable meals on the mountain, evening meals, courtesy transportation during the hunt from the motel, the most experienced Ibex guides and spotters in New Mexico, assistance with retrieval of your animal, and caping for trophy preparation.
- The hunter is responsible for: Applying for the license with our help, lodging, the cost of the license, weapon, a daypack, hunting gear and transportation to and from the hunt near Deming, NM.
Hunt Dates
Choose a minimum of 5 days or more
November 15-29, 2025
Youth Hunt:
Dec. 27, 2025 to Jan. 10, 2026
October 1-15, 2025
January 15-29, 2026
February 21-27, 2026
Hunt Prices
$7,500 + tax for any five days
$9,300 + tax for any seven days
Additional days at a rate of $900 per day may be booked beyond the contracted number of days

Ibex Trophy Gallery
Please enjoy these images from our past Ibex customers. Click an image to open the gallery.