Application Information
You can apply for both Rocky Mountain Sheep and Desert Sheep on the same application.

For each hunt code (Rocky Mountain and Desert) you get to select three hunt areas, which will have different hunt dates that will corresponding to them specifically. When your application is pulled by the Game and Fish Department, the Department will look at each hunt code and area that you listed and in the order that you listed them, and they will review all your choices at the same time. The first hunt code and area that has an opening is the license that you draw. Bottom line is that to improve your odds you should utilize all six opportunities to list a hunt code.
When you think about sheep hunting in New Mexico.
Desert Bighorn Sheep – New Mexico

New Mexico’s desert bighorn sheep are doing well. Sheep are occurring in five different units and the Department offers you 13 different hunts t select from. We can conduct hunts on any Bighorn Sheep area that you would like to apply for.
We have staff that are familiar with the hunt areas and can provide you with an excellent and successful hunt. These hunts begin in September and run through December of the current year. The dates depend on the unit drawn.
- Cost of the hunt will include: Our outfitter number and assistance in applying for the license in the draw, camp and full meals if camping out or daytime meals and snacks if operating out of a motel, courtesy transportation during the hunt, guide and spotter service, trophy preparation of your animal and retrieval of the animal.
- The hunter is responsible for: Transportation to the nearest agreed upon town, motel accommodations and morning and evening meals if staying in a town, personal gear, weapon, etc. and the cost of the license.
Bighorn Sheep
Hunt Prices
NM 7-Day Hunt: $7,900 + tax
Season dates depend on Unit and range from August through December.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn – New Mexico

We offer hunts for these animals in all available units except in unit 45 (Pecos). We do not hunt in unit 45 because to do it properly it needs to be horseback, and it is a logistics problem for us to do it correctly. The main population of sheep are in the wilderness area, and it is a long horseback ride to get to them.
Rocky Mountain Sheep hunts occur in 12 different units and the Department offers you 15 different hunts to choose from. When you draw your license and come on the hunt, the day before your hunt starts you will be greeted by a team of people who will help you with your hunt. Depending on the unit drawn it may be a horseback hunt, a backpack style hunt, or a truck hunt. Please feel free to contact us about the details of the different hunts and we will attempt to pair you up with a hunt that will work for you. These hunts begin in August and run through November, depending on the unit drawn.