Public Land Antelope Hunts
We are again offering public land rifle antelope hunts and there are many good antelope units in New Mexico. These hunts will be for the most part “guided only” and for the entire three days of the rifle seasons or for the first three days of your archery hunt Of course we will use the outfitter number to aid you in drawing the license. When you draw the license it will be valid for any public land within the whole unit and with legal access to it. Due to the permit allocation system in New Mexico, there will need to have a minimum of 7 total licenses available for that hunt to be in the draw, for one person, with the outfitter number to draw.

The more applicants on the application, the more available licenses for that unit need to be available. There are normally three season dates per unit and the easiest to draw is the last one but the odds, of harvesting a good animal is lower. You can mix and match units and season dates when you apply.
Hunt Dates
August 9-17, 2025
Guiding will occur for the first three days of your hunt
August 23-25, 2025
Sept. 27-29, 2025
October 4-6, 2025
Hunt Prices
1×1: $2,400 + tax
2×1: $2,200 + tax
3×1: $2,200 + tax
4×1: $2,000 + tax
Camp & Food provided for hunt: $1,000 + tax
March 19, 2025

Game Management Unit 38 & Vaughn, New Mexico
We are currently working on our hunt schedule, this year, and at this time we are not sure exactly what the hunt dates will be. The ranch has decided to enroll the ranch in the Antelope incentive program that is offered by the NM Game and Fish Department.

This program allows a latitude of dates that we can hunt, and we are waiting on the ranch and the Department to finalize their program.
We currently have not decided on the number of hunters that will be allowed on the ranch.
Surveys will be conducted after the brochure is prepared and at that time we will decide on the number of hunters for the year. This past year we took 12 hunters, harvested 12 antelope, and took one that scored 84 B&C and another one that scored 87 B&C.
Hunt dates for our Vaughn Antelope hunts have not yet been set. The ranch is entering into an antelope program with the Game and Fish Department and the program allows for flexibility into hunting dates. There may be more additions to this as we are looking into other areas to offer antelope hunts.
Hunt Prices
1×1: $4,400 + tax
2×1: $3,850 + tax
Antelope Trophy Gallery
Enjoy these images from our previous Antelope customers. Click on any image to get started.