This hunt will allow you to apply for a PUBLIC LAND elk or deer hunt, using the outfitter number to increase your odds of drawing a license. A guide will be furnished for the first two days of your hunt, which is mandatory by Game and Fish regulations. You may also book a guided only hunt for one of the following time frames: five days to nine days depending on the weapon type of your hunt.

You may apply in any unit that you would like, unlike other outfitters that only operate in a hand full of units and do not offer you opportunities to apply in different areas. We DO NOT operate in wilderness areas, i.e. units 45 and 16B/22 or any other unit that is comprised of a majority of wilderness area. Kiowa also separates itself from other outfitters, because WE DO NOT CHARGE ANYTHING FOR THE USE OF OUR OUTFITTER NUMBER, to increase your draw odds. Kiowa Hunting Service is licensed by ALL of the national forests in the state and by all of the Bureau of Land Management Districts in the state. We are also licensed by the State Land office.
One guide will be provided for the first two days of your hunt, MANDATORY BY STATE LAW, when you use the outfitter number for a tag. Kiowa will furnish one guide for all hunters that are on the successful application. If you want an extra guide for the two days, there will be an additional charge of $300.00 per hunter in the party. If you decide that you want a guide only hunt, for five days, seven days or nine days we will guide only on a 1×1 or 2×1 basis.

Additional guides or additional days must be determined at the time of the booking and may not be modified unless additional personnel are available.
No Services
Hunt Dates
Valid in any unit, EXCEPT units comprised mainly of a wilderness area.
Hunt Prices
2 days 1×1: $1,600 + tax
2 days 2×1: $1,400 + tax
2 days 3×1: $1,400 + tax
2 days 4×1: $1,200 + tax
5 days 1×1: $5,300 + tax
5 days 2×1: $4,300 + tax
7 days 1×1: $5,800 + tax
7 days 2×1: $4,800 + tax
9 days 1×1: $6,300 + tax
9 days 2×1: $5,300 + tax